DO Shoot The Messenger!
Stop listening to the talking heads! I used to listen to talk radio whenever I drove around town. I liked the shows I listened to and often agreed with what was being said, but I noticed that I started getting “worked up” and not always in a good way. As I listened I would become […]
Stop Worrying and Let Go!

“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.” Anatole France I have written in the past about avoiding negative media, gossip, etc. (see Do Shoot the Messenger). But I think too many people dismiss the idea (see Be Careful What You Dismiss) and don’t realize […]
Be Careful What You Dismiss
When you talk with some people about things like the Law of Attraction, or the Power of Faith, or the advantages of having a positive mental attitude they often dismiss the idea as hocus pocus or mental mumbo jumbo. They say things like “it was just coincidence that you got what you have been wanting […]